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1.2085 Steel and Its International Equivalents: A Buyer’s Guide

Welcome to Dongguan Otai Special Steel’s comprehensive guide on 1.2085 steel and its international equivalents. If you’re in the market for this specific steel type or seeking information on its alternatives, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll delve into the characteristics of 1.2085 steel and explore its counterparts from around the world. By the end, you’ll have a clear understanding of what this steel has to offer and the options available to you as a buyer.

1.2085 Steel Overview

1.2085 steel, also known as AISI 420D, is a versatile and high-quality tool steel with excellent corrosion resistance and wear resistance properties. It belongs to the martensitic stainless steel group, making it a popular choice in various industries. This steel is renowned for its ability to maintain sharp cutting edges and resist corrosion even in challenging environments.

Properties of 1.2085 Steel

  • Exceptional hardness
  • Good corrosion resistance
  • High wear resistance
  • Suitable for applications requiring sharpness and durability

International Equivalents

  1. DIN X33CrS16: This German standard steel is a direct equivalent to 1.2085. It shares similar properties and is widely used in Europe.
  2. GB 4Cr13: In China, GB 4Cr13 is the counterpart to 1.2085 steel. It is known for its toughness and corrosion resistance.
  3. JIS SUS420J2: Japan has its version of 1.2085 steel, known as JIS SUS420J2. It is favored for its hardness and corrosion resistance, making it suitable for various applications.
  4. ASTM 420: In the United States, ASTM 420 is used as an alternative to 1.2085 steel. It offers excellent strength and hardness.

Applications of 1.2085 Steel

1.2085 steel and its equivalents find applications in a wide range of industries:

  • Cutlery: Its sharpness and corrosion resistance make it ideal for knife blades.
  • Medical Instruments: Used in the production of surgical instruments.
  • Mold Making: Commonly employed for making plastic injection molds.
  • Aerospace: Selected for its strength and durability in aerospace components.

Choosing the Right Steel

When considering 1.2085 steel or its international equivalents, it’s essential to assess your specific requirements. Factors like hardness, corrosion resistance, and intended application will guide your decision. Consulting with experts in steel materials can help you make an informed choice.


In conclusion, 1.2085 steel and its international equivalents offer a range of options for buyers seeking a high-quality tool steel. Whether you’re in Europe, China, Japan, or the United States, you can find a comparable steel type that suits your needs. Remember to evaluate your specific application requirements before making a decision.


  1. What are the key properties of 1.2085 steel?

    1.2085 steel is known for its exceptional hardness, good corrosion resistance, and high wear resistance, making it suitable for various applications.

  2. How does 1.2085 steel compare to its international equivalents?

    While 1.2085 steel is the standard reference, international equivalents like DIN X33CrS16, GB 4Cr13, JIS SUS420J2, and ASTM 420 offer similar properties and can be chosen based on regional availability and specific application needs.

  3. What industries commonly use 1.2085 steel?

    1.2085 steel is utilized in industries such as cutlery, medical instruments, mold making, and aerospace, thanks to its sharpness, corrosion resistance, and durability.

  4. What should buyers consider when selecting a steel type?

    Buyers should evaluate factors like hardness, corrosion resistance, and intended application to choose the right steel type for their needs.

  5. Where can I get expert advice on selecting the appropriate steel for my project?

    You can reach out to Dongguan Otai Special Steel’s experts by emailing or contacting us via WhatsApp at +86 158 9967 5236 for personalized guidance on selecting the right steel material for your project.

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Understanding the Versatility of 1.2085 Steel

In the world of steel materials, 1.2085 steel stands out as a versatile and reliable option for a wide range of industrial applications. Whether you’re a seasoned engineer or a newcomer to the field, this post will provide you with valuable insights into the properties, uses, and benefits of 1.2085 steel. Let’s dive into the world of this remarkable steel alloy.

What Is 1.2085 Steel?

1.2085 steel, also known as 420HC stainless steel, is a high-carbon martensitic stainless steel. It’s known for its exceptional strength, durability, and corrosion resistance. This steel is a member of the 400 series stainless steels, which are widely used in various industries due to their outstanding properties.

Properties of 1.2085 Steel:

High Hardness: this material exhibits excellent hardness, making it ideal for applications where wear resistance is crucial. With proper heat treatment, it can achieve even higher hardness levels.

Corrosion Resistance: This steel offers good corrosion resistance, especially when compared to other high-carbon steels. It can withstand exposure to moisture and various chemicals, making it suitable for challenging environments.

Toughness: Despite its high hardness, it maintains a reasonable level of toughness. This combination of hardness and toughness makes it versatile for various applications.

Ease of Machining: Machining 1.2085 steel is relatively straightforward, making it a popular choice for manufacturing processes.

Applications :

Cutting Tools: The high hardness and good wear resistance of it make it a preferred choice for manufacturing cutting tools, such as knives, blades, and surgical instruments.

Injection Molding: In the plastic injection molding industry, 1.2085 steel is used for mold inserts and components due to its excellent surface finish and corrosion resistance.

Industrial Machinery: Components that require high strength and resistance to wear and corrosion, like gears and shafts, benefit from the use of it.

Medical Instruments: Surgical instruments demand a material that can maintain a sharp edge and resist corrosion.


Longevity: Products made from this material have a longer lifespan due to their wear-resistant properties.

Low Maintenance: Its corrosion resistance reduces the need for frequent maintenance and replacement.

Wide Availability: It is readily available in various forms, making it accessible for different manufacturing needs.

Cost-Effective: Its durability and performance make it a cost-effective choice in the long run.


1.2085 steel, also known as 420HC stainless steel, is a remarkable material that finds its place in diverse industrial applications. Its combination of high hardness, corrosion resistance, and machinability makes it an attractive choice for engineers and manufacturers worldwide. If you’re looking for a steel material that can withstand the test of time and provide exceptional performance, consider it!


Q1: Is 1.2085 steel suitable for outdoor applications exposed to harsh weather conditions?
A: Yes, it’s corrosion resistance makes it suitable for outdoor applications, but proper maintenance is essential to ensure its longevity.

Q2: Can it be heat-treated for even higher hardness?
A: Yes, it can be heat-treated to achieve even higher hardness levels, depending on the specific application requirements.

Q3: Are there any specific precautions to take when machining 1.2085 steel?
A: While machining, use appropriate cutting tools and techniques to avoid overheating the material, which can affect its properties.

Q4: What industries commonly use products made from 1.2085 steel?
A: Industries such as cutlery, plastic injection molding, automotive, and medical instruments frequently use it.

Q5: How does 1.2085 steel compare to other stainless steel alloys?
A: It offers a unique balance of hardness, corrosion resistance, and machinability, making it suitable for specific applications where these properties are essential. However, its suitability depends on the specific requirements of the project.

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4140 Price Trends and Market Outlook in China

In today’s global market, staying informed about the price trends of essential materials is crucial for businesses and individuals alike. This holds especially true for steel materials like 4140, which find extensive use in various industries. If you’re inquiring about 4140 steel prices and market trends in China, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll explore the dynamics of the 4140 steel market, understand its price trends, and shed light on what the future holds.

Understanding 4140 Steel

Before diving into the specifics of price trends and market outlook, it’s essential to grasp the basics of 4140 steel. This alloy steel is known for its excellent strength, toughness, and versatility. Its composition, primarily consisting of chromium and molybdenum, makes it highly desirable for applications in manufacturing, construction, and automotive industries.

Historical Price Trends

To understand the current market situation, it’s essential to look back at the historical price trends of 4140 steel in China. Over the past decade, the steel industry has witnessed fluctuations in prices due to various factors such as global demand, production costs, and economic conditions.

Decade Overview

  1. 2010-2015: Prices remained relatively stable with moderate fluctuations.
  2. 2016-2018: A gradual increase in prices due to rising demand.
  3. 2019-2020: A dip in prices attributed to economic uncertainties.
  4. 2021-Present: Prices have been recovering steadily as industries rebound.

Factors Influencing 4140 Steel Prices

Several factors impact the price of 4140 steel in China. Understanding these factors is crucial for predicting future trends and making informed decisions.

1. Global Demand

The global demand for steel materials, including 4140, plays a significant role in determining prices. When industries such as automotive, aerospace, and manufacturing are thriving, the demand for 4140 steel increases, driving prices up.

2. Production Costs

Fluctuations in the cost of raw materials, energy, and labor directly affect steel production costs. Manufacturers often adjust prices to maintain profitability, which can impact the market.

3. Economic Conditions

Economic stability or instability within China and globally can influence steel prices. During economic downturns, steel prices may decrease as industries reduce production.

Current Market Scenario

As of the latest data available, the 4140 steel market in China is showing signs of recovery after the challenges posed by the global pandemic. Prices have been gradually rising, reflecting increased demand from various sectors.

4140 Price Trends in 2023

The year 2023 has seen a steady upward trend in 4140 steel prices in China. This can be attributed to several factors, including the resurgence of manufacturing industries, infrastructure development projects, and the overall economic recovery.

Outlook for the Rest of the Year

Industry experts predict that the prices of 4140 steel in China will continue to rise throughout the rest of 2023. This upward trajectory is driven by strong demand and the need for quality steel materials in construction, machinery, and other key sectors.


In conclusion, understanding the price trends and market outlook for 4140 steel in China is essential for businesses and individuals looking to make informed decisions. As of 2023, prices are on the rise, reflecting a recovering market. However, it’s important to stay updated with the latest developments and consult with experts when making purchasing decisions.


  1. What is 4140 steel primarily used for? 4140 steel is commonly used in manufacturing, construction, and automotive industries due to its exceptional strength and toughness.
  2. How do global economic conditions affect 4140 steel prices in China? Economic stability or instability can influence steel prices, with downturns often leading to lower prices.
  3. Are there alternative steel materials to consider besides 4140? Yes, there are various alloy and carbon steels available, each with unique properties suitable for specific applications.
  4. Where can I inquire about 4140 steel prices in China? You can reach out to us by email at or via WhatsApp at +8615899675236 for inquiries about 4140 steel prices in China.
  5. Is 4140 steel available in different forms and sizes? Yes, 4140 steel is available in various forms, including bars, sheets, and tubes, and can be customized to different sizes and specifications.
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Exploring AISI 4140 Steel: Advantages & Applications

AISI 4140 steel is the main product of OTAI. As a trade professional in the steel industry, it’s crucial to have a deep understanding of the materials you work with. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive overview of AISI 4140 steel, elucidating its key advantages and its versatile range of applications.



4140 Steel Overview

Before we delve into the specifics, let’s get an overview of what 4140 steel is.  Also known as AISI 4140 steel, it falls into the category of low-alloy steels, renowned for its exceptional strength and versatility.

Chemical Composition

The composition of 4140 steel is key to its remarkable properties. It primarily consists of iron, chromium, and molybdenum, which contribute to its unique characteristics.

Mechanical Properties

One of the standout features of 4140 steel is its outstanding mechanical properties. It boasts high tensile strength, excellent toughness, and good wear resistance.


Versatile Applications

4140 steel finds applications in various industries, making it an incredibly versatile material. Some of its common uses include manufacturing components for the automotive, aerospace, and oil and gas sectors.

Automotive Industry

In the automotive industry, 4140 steel is used to create critical components like axles, crankshafts, and gears. Its high strength and durability ensure the safety and performance of vehicles.

Aerospace Manufacturing

Precision is paramount in aerospace manufacturing, and 4140 steel meets these requirements. It is used in the production of aircraft components, where reliability is non-negotiable.

Oil and Gas Sector

In the demanding environments of the oil and gas industry, corrosion resistance is crucial. 4140 steel, with its corrosion-resistant properties, is a preferred choice for components subjected to harsh conditions.

Advantages Over Other Steels

Exceptional Strength and Wear Resistance

AISI 4140 steel is favored for its high strength and outstanding wear resistance. Whether subjected to heavy loads or high-stress conditions, it maintains consistent performance, forming a reliable foundation for various projects.

Remarkable Machinability

Compared to several other high-strength materials, 4140 steel exhibits excellent machinability. This attribute eases the manufacturing process, enabling the creation of various shapes and dimensions, thereby boosting production efficiency and cost control.

Suitability for Various Heat Treatment Processes

4140 steel boasts exceptional heat treatment response, allowing for processes such as annealing and quenching. This versatility empowers 4140 steel to cater to specific performance requirements under different operating conditions.

Heat Treatment

Heat treatment plays a vital role in optimizing the properties of 4140 steel for specific applications. By carefully controlling the heating and cooling processes, it can be tailored to meet precise requirements.


In conclusion, understanding 4140 steel is essential for anyone involved in the steel industry. Its unique composition, exceptional properties, and wide-ranging applications make it a material of significant importance. Whether you are a steel trader, manufacturer, or engineer, knowing the ins and outs of 4140 steel will undoubtedly enhance your expertise and decision-making abilities.

By consistently updating your knowledge and staying informed about developments in the steel industry, you can better serve your clients and make informed business decisions. 4140 steel is just one facet of this vast and dynamic field, but it is undoubtedly a cornerstone material with a bright future ahead.

With this comprehensive guide, you shall be equiped with deeep understanding of 4140 Steel. So, go ahead, explore its applications, and discover how it can benefit your business and your clients.

For more insights into the world of steel and its applications, stay connected with us.

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